Happy for Lassie to Come Home?
/Whilst being a nation of animal’s lovers, where do you stand if you have a prospective tenant who wishes to let your property and have a pet?
Taking into consideration that 25% of the UK population own a pet and that this 25% will be a cross selection of professional occupants.
Although we very rarely have pet-friendly properties, we recommend to landlords not to discount them straight away. As typically pet owners stay in a rental property longer due to the difficulty of finding another pet friendly option. If you have a property in a relatively undesirable location or having trouble letting at the price you like, allowing pets (with strict rules and conditions) may be a saving grace.
Here are some pointers to consider:
Meet your tenants with their pet. Make sure the pet is suitable for your house, a large dog will not work in a small property but you may find a single cat would be acceptable.
Enquire what arrangements the tenants have in place for their pet while at work? In the case of a dog, would a dog walker come in and take them out to do their ‘business” - you may also wish to have proof of such services.
Make it a prerequisite for tenancy that a full professional clean will be required at the end of the tenancy.
Explain to them that any damage caused by the pet, will be chargeable against their deposit. In this vain, arrange prior to tenancy for a professional inventory clerk to draw up a comprehensive inventory.
Note that an older and less active pet will likely cause less damage compared to a newborn puppy or similar.
We hope that this assists you and gives you an opportunity to have a longer-term tenant who has a four legged friend!